December 2017
"The Cold Flame" binauralised
Yes, I'm on a binauralisation trip right now ... I added the first binaural track to Visions Of Excess, the project I do together with Paul Browse (ex Clock DVA):

Binaural Version of "mental rooms"
The binaural version of the album "mental rooms" is now available. These tracks are optimised for headphones and earphones listening experience but work also fine on stereo speakers. The regular stereo release is extended with the binaural versions for those who want all versions for either speaker or headphone playback.
SphereCube is the Dark Ambient/Experimental project of Nirto Karsten Fischer.

SphereCube is the Dark Ambient/Experimental project of Nirto Karsten Fischer.

SphereCube Dark Ambient album "mental rooms"
The first SphereCube Dark Ambient album "mental rooms" is online. All experimental compositions were produced in surround (5.0/5.1) from the beginning and are based on field recordings and synthetic sound scapes. With extensive room simulations, mostly with high end hardware devices, the album is a 66 minute long journey thru massive sound scapes.
The first release is a stereo mix down - special binaural and surround versions will follow.

The first release is a stereo mix down - special binaural and surround versions will follow.